Kinfay Moroti

Kinfay Moroti born 1970 in Chicago, Illinois
Born to a prostitute in Chicago, Kinfay Moroti's earliest goal in life was to escape the poverty, loneliness and the sexual and physical abuse he endured while living in the city's most violent housing projects and eight foster homes. His first escape attempts were daily after school treks to the downtown library, where he encountered the painters Vermeer and Frida Kahlo. "I would imagine that I painted their works," says Kinfay. "I couldn't afford painting supplies, so I painted in my mind." Though early inspired to create, it would not be until June 2000 that Kinfay attempted to "paint the feelings" in his unquiet mind.
As a resident of Southwest Florida, it comes as no surprise that the context of his work often takes place here. For Kinfay, capturing moments in this area is both joyous and painful. Joyous in that he feels honored to share the love that fills the communities; painful in that those joyous moments are becoming more rare. Loneliness and melancholy drive Kinfay's creative state. They are his closest and truest companions. His works are visual attempts to understand these ever present feelings. "Making pictures is like cutting your veins," says Kinfay.
The exhibit presents two series of Kinfay Moroti's work, one which depicts the war abroad, the other concerning local violence and society. The images speak to the beautiful struggle that is life. Without judging, they articulate the consequences of humanity's actions and serve as mirrors, reflecting life back to the observer.